Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cautiously Optimistic

I kept a sharp eye on Nolan's pH meter last night, and it was generally above 6.0. Hopefully, this means he'll pass the probe, though I won't know for sure until the data is downloaded and reviewed by our wonderful ENT.

Nolan willingly put on his "no-no's" before bed last night, and we made it through the night with the probe still in place. An extra slathering of tape on his face didn't hurt, either. If you ever have to do a pH probe, button down shirts and the "no-no's" are essential.

Nolan models the "no-no's"

Fortunately, the snow is supposed to slow down today. Traveling in lake effect snow just adds another dimension to the medical "fun."

No need to dig out the mailbox- yet.

The weather cats (wisely) stayed inside this morning.

We are heading up to Amherst in about half an hour, to have the pH probe removed and to (hopefully) have the data reviewed while we're still in the office. Typically, there is a two week wait for the results from a 24 hour pH probe. Since Nolan is scheduled for major airway surgery on Tuesday, we need to know a little sooner than that!


Melanie said...

Sending positive vibes your way.

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

I hope he passes. I bet he'll be glad to be done with the "no no's".

Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

thinking of you guys...