Sunday, November 28, 2010

Busy Week Ahead

We really enjoyed our Thanksgiving break- eating a lot of turkey, making gingerbread houses, and playing in the snow.

This week is going to be insanely busy. The general schedule is as follows:


Take Matt to preschool #1, order Matt's 5th birthday cake, take Matt to preschool #2, then go to Matt's hockey lesson.


Take Matt to preschool, take Nolan to preschool, then drive up to Buffalo for Nolan's EKG and Echocardiogram.


Take Matt to preschool, then hockey (our light day).


Drive up to Buffalo to have Nolan's pH probe placed. Survive the day by watching DVD's the kids love.


Drop Matt off at preschool. Drive up to Buffalo to have the pH probe removed. Drive back to Jamestown and pick up Matt from the babysitter's* house. Go to the Christmas parade.


Matt's 5th birthday party at the bowling alley. BYOA (Bring Your Own Advil).

For a stay-at-home mom, I am rarely at home!

*Our babysitter is also our SLP. And no, you can't have her. She's wonderful, and she's OURS!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

You need a spa day by Sunday!


Melanie said...

"Stay at home Mom" is a misnomer. It should really be called "Stay in the car Mom."

rouchi6 said...

Cross out the week ends!! That is a lot for the week.So hope you have a peaceful week end.

TheSweetOne said...

I'm total with Melanie on this one. I FINALLY bought nice shoes and have thoroughly trashed the heels constantly playing chauffeur...

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

You need to pencil in a nap from what I can tell!

How great you had a sled riding day already. I say "great" because it's you and not me!