Saturday, April 17, 2010

T&A: Day 4

Nolan's "prize" from his Aunt and Uncle

Day Four is dawning a much better day: Nolan is eating again, and even ate a whole waffle at breakfast time. We're still having difficulty with the fluids, but he's eating Jello and Popsicles, so that should cover the fluid requirements.

He is actually playing this morning and acting silly again, which is a relief. I am concerned about some drainage from his left ear: the Floxin ear drops won't even go down the ear canal. I certainly hope he isn't getting an infection in that ear so soon after surgery. He hates the ear drops more than any other medication, so getting an infection would be a real bummer (we'd have to increase the number of drops).

Here's to a much happier day- hopefully this means we've turned the corner with recovery!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a sweet little boy! I'm so glad you guys have those procedures behind you and it sounds like he is doing really well. He certainly looks as cute as can possibly be!