We're heading out to the library, to make use of the children's area (puzzles galore). I also have a book on hold ("The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, if anyone cares).
Nolan is quite whiny again today, so this might be a very l o n g Saturday. Sometimes I wish there was an indoor playground for children in our area, since we have a lot of inclement weather. I hope the library "re-sets" Nolan's attitude (and mine)- we've already had two hours of non-stop crying.
If that doesn't work, I'm investing in earplugs!
Maybe a change of scenery will help. Praying for you,
Whiney days are hard. I hope your "mini-vacation" goes well - I'm sure it will help. Sometimes it's nice just to get away from all the therapies and doctors and daily routine, even for a few days. Last year when we went to Mayo the hotel had an indoor waterpark. We had so much fun in that thing - even though we were at non-stop doctor appointments all day! It was a nice break for all of us!
Sounds like you all have a wonderful library, which is always very helpful!
What kind of camera do you have? I love how colorful and bright your pictures always are. Not to mention, the subjects are so dang cute and NOlan's blue eyes just pop! Adorable!
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