Nolan has recently started listening to videos and cartoons. He used to watch television without paying attention to the sound. I know this because he used to sit on the couch, happily watching the visual feast on the screen- the volume set at a point where he couldn't hear it at all, but where Matt could hear it just fine.
Recently, Nolan has taken to standing right in front of the screen, which infuriates his brother. This is a great sign, because it means Nolan now wants to hear what is going on. He wants to hear the dialog, the music... he wants to get the story behind the pictures. Unfortunately, Matt can hear the TV just fine from the couch and Nolan's head makes a better door than a window.
To head off the TV Wars, I brought Nolan's rocking chair downstairs and set it in front of the TV. Now he can hear Cars and his brother can see it. As Nolan gets older, we may have to think about getting some sort of a loop system for the television. For now, though, the front row seat works just fine.
Does he wear his hearing aids or do you turn up the tv louder? I was wondering what to do about this issue.
He definitely wears his hearing aids. I'll turn the TV up a little bit, but having it set to a blaring volume isn't a real solution (it would give the rest of us a headache). So for now, he just sits a little closer. When he gets older, he'll be able to read captions, and hopefully that will help, too! I have read about "looping" systems that will send the TV signal directly to the aids, so we'll look into that in a few years, too.
Give him time. Soon you will hear him say things he heard on TV. Prisha now tells me things she heard mainly the catch lines.Its fun to hear the things as they are in the same intonation but the words are like what you say Prishaisms ha ha .
He's so cute! I have to say that I'm actually enjoying the fact aiden will finally sit and watch some Elmo ... definitely helps while trying to get dinner done! Now I just need to get Aiden a little chair like Nolan's! He's like a little king in it!
Olivia usually has the tv turned all the way up...which makes me wonder when she says she hears everything fine at school.
Luca does this too! He stands right in front. Sometimes he has his aides on and sometimes he doesn't. Today Luca yelled in the car for me to turn it higher. He didn't have his aides on since he pulls them out a lot.
CJ does this, too. Makes the rest of us NUTS. His aud. actually carries a tv device that he will wear on his pant belt loop. As long as he's within 35 feet of the television, he can use the controller on his belt loop to turn it up super loud. It works with the T Coil, so the rest of us don't have to suffer. I'm getting it for him as a gift to myself for Christmas, I think.
You can contact our aud. directly and ask her about it. She can probably refer you to a clinic where you are that you can pick on up at. Or, I can call her for you and get the name of it. In fact, let me look around on her website.
This is the same one our aud. has in her office. CJ got to try it and loved it.
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