Friday, January 16, 2009

Still Stuck Inside

The weather is quite cold this week (the windchill is -23F today), so we are all confined to the great indoors. Our speech therapist is off for a minimum of three weeks, and I'm not quite sure what to do with all the free time!

Nolan is really charging ahead with language, imitating 2-3 new words every day. Few of them "stick" and they aren't used spontaneously, but imitation of sounds is still important. We picked up new earmolds and he has been leaving his aids alone. We also saw the ENT and his ears look beautiful- no fluid, no excessive wax, no infection.

Everything is looking so good that we don't need to return to the ENT until May, and I'll simply give the audiologist a call when his earmolds are outgrown. I do need to decide if I want to venture up to Buffalo once per month for their new parent/infant program at the oral deaf school. They have a program the fourth Wednesday of every month for 15 month-2 year olds. Since we don't have local oral deaf education opportunities, I might take advantage of this. Everything hinges on the weather and whether or not my older son will be allowed to come with us.

I am really pining for spring and warm weather. Hopefully this cold front will leave us soon!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

I love the impish look on his face... adorable :0)

Julia said...

What a cute guy! And congrats on the steady flow of imitation. I'm sure that some of the words do stick, but he has to mull them over for a few days or weeks before he decides to use them deliberately himself. Ben does that.

We got the same flyer you did from BHSC. We can't make it because of our teaching schedules, but let me know if you go and what you think. We might put Ben in the oral-deaf daycare for the summer.

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Awesome! I guess the new earmolds did the trick?

leah said...

I'm guessing the earmolds have helped, though they are cut too small. Nolan has shallow concha (is the plural of that conchae??) and they always have problems getting a good fit! We'll probably have to get new ones in short order- I am glad EI is covering them!

Julia, I am going to call about the program today. I'm not sure if it is worth driving 2 hours with 2 small children for an hour long program. I might try it once to see how it goes, though. I just wish there was something closer!