Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Life has been a little busy lately, so I haven't been great at posting updates to the blog. I'm writing for the Apprenticeship Program through Hubpages, which provides both an up-front payment for articles and (more importantly) training on how to write for an online audience. My Hubpages account doesn't pay any major bills yet, but I do make payout every month. In this house, every little bit helps!

In any case, I have been writing for that program, planning our summer activities, and getting busy with life in general. This weekend, we set up the pool and the boys had a blast playing in the water.

I am so behind with everything - I completely forgot to post this adorable video of Nolan's preschool class singing for their Mother's Day program. Four year olds are adorable.

Nolan is still struggling with the chronic diarrhea, and a few other moms have suggested Dumping Syndrome as a cause - this happens in about 30% of fundoplication cases. He doesn't seem to get shaky or display any other effects of hypoglycemia, so I'm not sure this is the problem. On the other hand, I'm not sure what the problem could be - we'll talk to the pediatrician on Thursday.

Nolan also had a random fall on the bus today. He does this occasionally - he'll fall for no apparent reason. It's how he got the gash above his eye a little while ago, and also how he managed to get a giant goose-egg from falling flat on his face in our driveway. The school nurse called me to say that he had fallen and hit the back of his head pretty hard, but that he also seemed OK. The bus driver talked to me when he dropped Matt off later in the day and was pretty shaken about the whole thing. We're so used to Nolan's quirks that I forget how scary it can be for someone else to have something happen on their watch. Still, no harm, no foul. Nolan seems fine and none the worse for wear, though I suspect the bus driver may be taking a Xanax tonight!


TheSweetOne said...

The pool looks like a lot of fun!

Question for you (though probably TMI for many) before the diarrhea, was Nolan constipated at all? The daughter of friends of ours seemed to have unending diarrhea. Turned out she was actually EXTREMELY constipated and the diarrhea was "overflow" that would squeeze around the problem. (I know. Yuck). The more they tried to treat the diarrhea, the worse everything got.

Not sure why it came to mind for Nolan but thought I'd share it just in case.

: )

dlefler said...

A few people have brought that up... but I do think this is pure diarrhea. My older son actually struggles with chronic constipation and overflow diarrhea, but this is different - more explosive and pure water, more like what you'd see with a bout of the stomach flu than the leaking we see with Matt's issues. And yes, we have one child with chronic constipation and the other with chronic diarrhea - my kids need refunds on their GI tracts, hahaha!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh my gosh... cuteness overload!
