Monday, June 6, 2011

A Busy Week Ahead

Nolan's preschool field trip to the Fire Station

This week is a little busier than most:

Monday: Matt's preschool, Nolan's speech therapy, and Matt's second preschool.

Tuesday: Drive to Buffalo for a hearing test, and to adjust Nolan's FM system. Matt's first soccer practice.

Wednesday: Matt's preschool, then drive to Erie for an ophthalmologist appointment (we get to find out if Nolan gets to rock the fashion world by sporting a patch and going pirate-style). Then Nolan has a soccer practice, and Matt has swimming lessons.

Thursday: Nolan's last day of preschool, and his "birthday" during class. I have a mothers of preschoolers steering meeting, and Matt has preschool.

Friday: Matt has an end-of-year picnic for pre-K at a local amusement park, so we will be spending the day having a ridiculous amount of fun in the sun!

I love the summer months, but June does get a little insane with the end-of-school parties/events, and then we have a bazillion doctor appointments for Nolan. He sees urology on the 16th (this is routine, and we are hopeful he will be discharged from this specialist). The sleep neurologist is scheduled for the 21st, and the upper GI is scheduled for the 27th. At least one trip a week to Buffalo Children's is on tap for the remainder of June: if only the drive were shorter!

The good news is that preschool ends on the 24th of June (for Matt), so July should ease up a bit with the schedule. I plan on spending a lot of time at the local parks, municipal swimming pools, and on "field trips" to the beach!


EmmaVerdona124 said...

speaking of the fire station, I had an uncle who worked there and now a constructor for my town LOL
BTW, good luck with all the appointments.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Here's to more FUN busy and less MEDICAL busy :D
