Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ear Infection (Again)

Nolan had a fantastic time the week of his birthday. He went tubing on the lake, went to a water park, and we took a trip to Toronto.

Unfortunately, all the heat/humidity/water activities  resulted in a raging ear infection in his right ear. I was able to acquire more Ciprodex drops and started treating it quickly, but Nolan had to start first grade with only one ear.

Thankfully, his new teacher of the deaf (TOD) is beyond fantastic. She actually trained at the Clarke School (an auditory-verbal program) and is thrilled to see Nolan is reading at an advanced level. He is having significant problems hearing, so his desk has been moved to the front of the teacher's desk, and he has daily pull-outs to work on the curriculum in a 1:1 environment. He is adjusting to first grade well, and loves his teacher(s).

His ear took about a week to clear up. Hopefully we won't see another ear infection for a while!

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