Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tonsillectomy Recovery: Days 5-9

I was so giddy over how well Matt's tonsillectomy recovery was going. I should have known we were headed for trouble! The night after Day 4 was the worst night ever.

He woke up at 1:30 am and was screaming, yelling, and shaking. We gave him some Lortab and he continued to scream and shake. We debated taking him to the emergency room because he couldn't talk, couldn't calm down, and was shrieking and shaking. About 2 hours after it started, it ended. He fell asleep, ushering in a new phase of recovery. I shall call these days the Days of Pain.

Days 5 and 6 were the worst, though the nights were far worse than the days. Fortunately, he was doing a bit better by the afternoon of Day 6, when Grandma arrived for a visit.

The nights are still a bit of a challenge, but fortunately we are past the worst of it today, on Day 9. He is able to go without pain medication during the day. He does need a bedtime dose, but at least we got a FULL night of sleep last night. The first full night of sleep in approximately... forever.

Here's to Matthew's recovery being (almost) complete, and to happier days ahead!

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