Nolan started eating again last night. He ate half his dinner, a string cheese, a banana, and ice cream. This morning, he ate a bowl of dry cereal and two cinnamon rolls. He's trying to make up for lost time, apparently. We're letting him eat whatever he wants - he needs to gain back the three pounds he lost over the past month.
I am very relieved that his digestive system seems to have returned from its rather long vacation. Hopefully his energy level will return with his stomach: the past month has been filled with days of "noodle-boy," where Nolan loses all tone and turns into a puddle on the floor. Sometimes, he falls asleep.
Mostly, he just whines and cries that he is "out of energy" or "tired." The chronic fatigue is worrisome to me, but I have a feeling it is tied into his lack of eating. He's still adjusting to the C-Pap, too - we're making it to about 2:30am most nights. Then he wakes up crying because it is hurting his nose. Still, it is progress!
This is the last full week of summer vacation before school starts. We have a slip-and-slide party planned, a play date at the creek, and lots of other fun activities planned. I hope the little guy's energy level returns so that he can really enjoy all the splashing and playing with the other kids!
Hooray for eating! Seems crazy to cheer about something others take for granted but oh so rewarding when he eats so well. Keep it up Mama. You're doing great!!!
Hooray for eating!!! I hope you see a return in his energy levels now, too. KayTar has complained a lot of low energy days this summer, too. Poor kiddos!
They just get so wiped out. Nolan can't even walk through the grocery store some days without fatiguing - he's always been that way (scares me that it might be something like mito, but I doubt it since he doesn't have any other metabolic stuff going on - just horrible fatigue/gi issues/hearing loss). His appetite is back, which makes me happy!
Glad you're (he's) making progress!
Praying his appetite continues and he can extend his tolerance of the CPAP.
Great to hear that Nolan is eating again! Three pounds is a lot of weight to drop in a month. Since X has been away from his germ infested school and chronically ill teacher, he's been healthy ALL summer. He's up to 32 pounds!!! We let him eat whatever he wants, as long as it's at least mildly nutritious and full of fat and/or calories: cheese sandwiches and lots of ice cream! Hope Nolan keeps up his appetite and packs on a few pounds. Do you have trouble finding pants to fit him?!! Beside ear wax, that is the bane of my existence. May look into suspenders!
Yeah! Eat, eat. ¡Coma, coma!
Yay for eating!!! and it all sounds so yummy! Hope it keeps up for both of your sakes! Glad to hear there's progress being made with the C-Pap.
Have fun in this sun this last week. This summer has flown by and before you know it, the snow will be here.
Keeping fingers crossed on it, keep eating well Nolan !!he needs lots of energy and hoping that he gains more than he lost ! All the best mum !!
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