Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Information from the Cleveland Clinic

The Cleveland Clinic sent off an information packet very quickly: I received it in the mail at the end of last week. It includes a map and a timeline of our appointment on September 6 (we meet with the genetic counselor first, then with the geneticist). They also included a fax number for Nolan's medical records - I talked to our pediatrician's office and they will probably send them on Saturday. Nolan's medical records are so extensive it will tie up the fax machine for a long time, so they don't want to do it during business hours.

Since our insurance only approved a solitary appointment with the geneticist at the Cleveland Clinic, further visits (and/or any tests) would have to be approved separately. I spend a significant amount of time battling our insurance company - I have a feeling that is not likely to change any time soon. I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

We don't have much else going on, other than Nolan's C-Pap titration on the 21st of July. He's had a lot of tummy issues (reflux and some lower GI issues) lately, so hopefully those will settle a bit before the sleep study next week.


rouchi6 said...

I really wish and pray Nolan's reflux thing gets worked on.I know how it is and he is too little to go through this.Homeopathy has worked on me for this very well and was on it for over 5-6 yrs, am almost cured.
And hoping that test goes well and the answers are there to start work on.Hope the insurance company sees what a big struggle you are going through.Wish, wish,wish......

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear what Cleveland has to say!

Maybe things will slow down for you very soon thereafter....