In my attempt to avoid any and all viruses circulating in our area, I took the boys to the library early (to avoid any other kids) and then we headed over to the local hardware store. I wanted to get some paint to spruce up some old nightstands, and I also wanted to buy some Stargazer lily bulbs.
We headed over to the paint department and we found the paint color we wanted. The boys were rather curious about the process of making paint, and the lady behind the paint counter was awesome. She invited both boys behind the counter to help her add the color, seal the lid, and put the paint can in the shaker. There were so many words and concepts in that little encounter: seal, rocker, shake, colorize, lever, roller, combine, gallon.
We headed home and the boys painted with water on the sidewalk while I painted the nightstands. I was so thankful to that anonymous employee who gave my boys an impromptu "field trip" and made their day. Sometimes you never know when you are going to happen upon a great language lesson!
This post made me smile because I constantly remind myself that our daily life provides me with the tons of opportunity to teach X more language. I'm a mom, not a therapist, and there is no need for me to reprimand myself for not sitting him down for a scheduled, structured lesson every day!
That paint lady was really awesome! It's so rare for salespeople to take that kind of time to interact with customers, especially young, curious (and deaf) ones. We regularly see a few friendly and patient retail employees who engage X in conversation or activities and it's really good for his self esteem.
What a wonderful encounter!
Life has good lessons :D
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