April Fool's Day ranks highly among the 3-5 year old demographic. Matt has been trying to trick me all day, stating things such as "your hair has fallen out, Mommy!" and then dissolving into giggles as he declares a hearty April Fool's Day to me.
Nolan, unfortunately, doesn't
quite get the concept. He certainly gets the joke portion - he's been telling me it is warm outside all day long. Instead of shouting "April Fool's Day," however, he has been shouting, "Applesauce!"
Apparently, April Fool's sounds a lot like applesauce when you have a hearing loss. He has since modified his declaration to "criss cross applesauce!"
I tried to correct it a few times, but it is pretty cute. I sort of like Applesauce Day better than April Fool's Day.
In other news, Nolan's vision results are included on his screening form. This is just a screening test, so I'm not sure how accurate the results are.
His left eye appears to be farsighted, with very minimal astigmatism. The screening device shows the "sphere" to be +2.5, and the "cylinder" (astigmatism) to be +0.3. This is moderate farsightedness and mild astigmatism in that eye. They typically don't correct farsightedness under 4 diopters in preschoolers, since many will outgrow the condition. This eye isn't marked as having a problem on the screening form.
The only odd thing about this reading is that his left eye used to be the more myopic of the two eyes - it's just strange that this eye went from being nearsighted to being farsighted.
His right eye appears to be nearsighted, with a "sphere" of -1.6. This is mild myopia, and not a huge deal in itself. The cylinder in this eye is +2.6, which is severe astigmatism. If the readings on this eye are correct, he will require a prescription (glasses) to correct the issue. A simulation of what his right eye can see is below - a little blurry, but it isn't horrible:

The real problem is the difference between the two eyes. Anisometropia is defined as a difference of more than 1.0 diopters between the eyes. Nolan has a difference of 4.1 diopters (if the screen is correct). This puts him at risk for amblyopia. A difference of 1.0 diopter for astigmatism also puts the eye at risk for amblyopia - Nolan has a difference of 2.3 diopters (cylinder) between his eyes.
This might explain why one eye wanders off every once in a while. With the vision in each eye differing to such a great extent, his brain might be "shutting off" the weaker eye.
The problem with amblyopia (if present) is that the eye can lose vision permanently if it isn't addressed. With the pre-existing hearing loss, we really don't want to lose an eye. I'm anxious to get into the ophthalmologist next week to get a more accurate reading on the eyes and to head off any problems.